Tibetan Hop Gar Kung Fu

Great Grandmaster Ng Yim Ming – Lineage from Wong Yan Lam who was ranked number one in the “Canton Ten Tigers”
Master Ng Yim Ming (Harry Ng), who was teaching Lama Kung Fu to the mainland China Airforce, came to the U.S. to visit his wife and children in San Francisco and decided to stay. It was from Master Ng that David Chin learned the art of Tibetan Hop Gar.
Hop Gar is primarily composed of 12 short hands (six offensive and six defensive) 12 long hands (six offensive and six defensive) and eight sets of forms. Kicks are used but are considered second line techniques, the hands being the first.
An important part of the art is the footwork which is very structured and makes the other techniques feasable. The basic philosophy is expressed in four words:
- Chon – To destroy the enemy completely so that he can’t renew his attack
- Sim – To evade, not meeting force directly but not to go too far into yielding
- Chun – To penetrate by aiming at the space in between where the opponent has come out and not yet returned
- Jeet – To intercept, checking the opponent’s force before it is released
Tibetan Hop Gar Photos
(Photos by Anthony Clinton)